About Me

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I'm just ordinary woman who really loves reading and writing :)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Halal dan Haram

January 24, 2013 0 Comments

Entah sejak kapan,,, hidupku ini penuh pemikiran akan halal dan haram..
tiap apa yang mau aku makan
apa yang aku terima,,,
halalkah? atau haram???
aku menjadi takut dan pada akhirnya aku memilih untuk tidak memakan
dan tidak mengambilnya...
hal yang baik dan yang buruk itu sesungguhnya sangat jelas
Allah menjaminnya...
namun kadang aku bimbang antara benar dan salah
bimbang antara baik dan buruk...
boleh dan tidak....
ini makanan yang didapat dari uang yang tidak halal...
ini uang yang tidak halal sehingga sebaiknya tidak aku ambil....
bekerja membuatku memahami banyak hal...
tentunya Allah memang memberi aku kesempatan untuk belajar
mungkin inilah barakahnya...
kebaikan yang aku dapatkan...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Apakah JYJ pendukung Free Mason?

January 20, 2013 0 Comments
Kedatangan Dajjal sudah diperkirakan sebelumnya dalam AlQur'an sebagai tanda dekatnya hari kiamat. Dajjal digambarkan sebagai makhluk bermata satu yang akan menyebarkan fitnah di dunia, mengajak manusia pada ajakan syaitan dan iblis. Para pemuja dajjal tidak percaya adanya Tuhan. Naudzubillaah....
Jangan sekali-kali kita dengan telanjang mengartikan bahwa dajjal belum ada saat ini karena kita belum pernah melihat wujudnya. Jika kita jeli, dajjal saat ini sudah ada di mana-mana dalam wujud manusia. Wallahualam... Dapatkah kita mengatakan simbol2 dajjal sudah bertebaran dan berkampanye di mana-mana lewat manusia yang mungkin adalah para pemujanya????
Ya Allah, bersyukur alkhamdulillah Allah telah menunjuki aku jalan yang lurus dengan meninggalkan dunia pengidolaan artis korea. Hubungannya?

entah ini hanya perasaan saya atau bukan, tapi mulai saya rasakan bahwasanya, artis korea yang dulunya saya sukai ini (JYJ: Jaejoong, Yoochun, dan Junsu) masuk dalam jejaring free mason, atau pemuja dajjal (pemuja setan).   jika anda masih bingung dengan apa itu free mason, boleh dilihat disini:
Meskipun hanya penjelasan singkat tentang apa itu organisasi free mason dan simbol-simbolnya, sepatutnya kita sebagai muslim, terutama muslimah berhati-hati agar tidak terjebak pada pemujaan setan melalui artis atau idola yang menyerupai tingkah laku setan tersebut. Mengapa saya kemudian mencurigai bahwa JYJ mungkin masuk dalam jejaring Free Mason? awalnya adalah ketika saya melihat cover album solo Kim Junsu, yang bertajuk Xia-Tarantallegra ini:

Bisa kita lihat bahwa Junsu menyembunyikan salah satu matanya dengan jari-jarinya. Hal ini sama seperti seorang penyanyi Lady gaga yang memang sudah terkenal sebagai artis pemuja setan lewat gerakan-gerakan tarinya, gambar-gambar fotonya dan bahkan syair-syair lagunya yang konon adalah mantra pemujaan terhadap setan.

Lady Gaga selalu berfoto dengan pose mata satu (yang merupakan simbol dajjal).
Tadinya, saya berfikir bahwa, cover album Junsu itu hanya kebetulan saja menyembunyikan satu matanya. Saya menampik bahwa, tidak mungkin mereka mengenal Mason dan hal-hal lain yang berbau itu. Sampai akhirnya, saya melihat album solo Kim Jaejoong yang ternyata juga mengusung tema yang sama, Mata Satu. Lihat gambar berikut ini:

Ouwwww..... seram sekali bukan??????

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


January 15, 2013 0 Comments
Mereka itu sudah tahu atau belum tahu?
Aku tak tega mengotori jiwa-jiwa bersih mereka.
Apakah memang kamu ingin mereka yang melakukannya?
Padahal kamu mati-matian menghindarinya?
Apakah tindakanmu itu adil bagi mereka?
Mereka itu polos, tak tahu apa yang mereka kerjakan.
Seperti saat kamu memintaku untuk melakukan semua itu dulu.
Sekarang aku merasa begitu naif dan dibodohi.
Meski selama ini aku tahu, hati nuraniku sesungguhnya berontak.
Tapi aku seperti tak punya pilihan lain.
Tulang-tulangku sudah lemas, jika aku harus meneruskan ini lagi.
Pembicaraan dengan Ibu Ross, di mana aku menceritakan segala hal padanya, membuatku ingin menangis.
Sepertinya, orang-orang telah mati rasa.
Mereka sudah pada tahap menganggap bahwa orang jujur dan lurus adalah penghalang.
Aku tak mengerti untuk apa mereka melakukan itu semua.
Untuk kesejahteraankah? untuk alasan apa? aku tak mengerti.
Dan aku tak akan pernah bisa mengerti. Sampai kapan pun.
Ya Allah, jiwa-jiwa terpenjara ini.
Langkah-langkah bodoh ini...
aku terjebak dalam lubang yang terus menyeretku ke dalamnya...
aku berusaha menggapai, menggapai dan menggapai..
sampai orang-orang membenciku sekalipun,
aku tetap akan pada pendirianku menolak ini semua.
Aku lebih takut kalau Engkau membenciku....
Aku tak mau menjerumuskan mereka.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


January 13, 2013 0 Comments

When I have a duty, I always try my best to fulfill my responsibility. Because I get paid for this job. I don't want to eat something from the money I don't deserve.
Sometimes I always be the weird one in a crowd, I become the unique among the rest.
I always hope to have partner who has the same intention with me in this way. To be honest, to be faithful and responsible. I will feel sorry if I can't fulfill my responsibility. I can't do something not in the time. I want to be 'On Time'. To not come late is my way of life. I want to be the first to wake, the first to go and the first to arrive.
If I have to attend an event in 07.00 am so I will come at least 06.45 am. If I have something to do at home in that morning, so I will wake up in 04.00 am, then I still can do it before I go.
To come to an event early, to wake up early, to go to work early and to perform salat on time are my priorities, my way of life, and something that have a deep relationship with my pride. Once I break that rule, it hurts my pride.
I always have these kind of behave, too, just like Throwing garbage/trash in its place, cleaning my room and my boarding house frequently to keep it clean and healthy. Use to lining up and try to not take other people's rights to get the best they should have.
I like to do something positive and that activity satisfied me. I like reading books, writing and learning. I am not always good in every matter but I always try.
Sometimes I feel that there are only two kinds of people who knows me: they are who not love me, they hate me. There are only two, the one who loves and the one who hates. I am hatred in many ways by people.
Maybe I am the way too hateful by some people.
I often try to be more acceptable to everyone but I think not everyone could accept me :D
I always feel sad everytime I think about my private life. I don't have any girl friend to be my bestfriend to talk about my problem with them. Yeah, I just keep it for my self. That's why sometimes I really want to get married soon. But I don't have any picture about the one who will become my husband. Although I have someone in mind. But I don't know If Allah will meet me with him or not.
I always try to put my trust only in Allah. I don't really think so serious in people's point of view. I know only Allah and I trust only Allah.
There is a big problem in my life. So hard for me to be in such situation but harder for me to get out from this situation, too. I always think about my past life. I think, all the problems that happen to me now are come from my mistakes in the past.
I once lying to my friend because someone ask me to do that. This is not lying by saying something but she wants me to hide something from my friend. She wants me to keep this matter alone because of some particular reasons. Something like this, actually, really hurt my pride. I, who always try my best to be fair, to be honest and faithful, was forced to do something like that. And I regret it till now, although because of this matter I got to know the true face of my friend in the end.
My friend had been always jealous at me in everyway, she said. My friend doesn't want to get paid from my bank account (our salary was transferred to my account that time), she doesn't like me to be more successful than her, to have more job than her and all... I heard it from my bos that time but I never believe that. All I know, she is a good friend, we share everything together, we buy something the same and she often come to my place eventhough she comes to my place not for me but to have a date with his boyfriend. She hides his boyfriend from her parents so she always come to my place as an excuse to her parents to have a date. This behavior is the only thing I don't like from her, but I still can tolerate it.
When everything comes so sudden, I got promoted and she didn't, all of this friendship suddenly broken. She hates me without exact reason, not only her, but also her boyfriend and all of her family. I don't why. What did I do. If I got promoted and she didn't, then that's my fault?! I just like a girl who walks in crowded and suddenly got picked by random interview in the middle of the way and that's my fault?is that my fault to walk in that road?is that my fault to go out from home that day?but that day is the beginning of my suffering days I get later...
As time goes by... I get to know that all have happens to me is a learning of a lifetime. I think all my positive thinking, my behavior and my daily life were form from here....

Saturday, January 12, 2013

How I Stop Fangirling

January 12, 2013 0 Comments

*I am sorry for my bad english :-P
I almost forgot that I have blog. Back then, I think it was 2 years ago, I made this blog. No exact reason, just want to share something with "something" not "anyone", because I don't expect people will read this blog anyway :D
I was crazy for this Korean idol named Kim Junsu back then, for almost 3 years (you can say, only 3 years, because many of them who love this guy, were loving him for at least 6-7 years (WOW) ). So, the name of this blog was come from his stage name, XIAH. So clumsy.
Sometimes I think that I was so... what it is called... yeah, just kind of fool. Some people always tease me because of my craziness towards this Korean guy. Yeah, I was loving him so much that time, I don't know why I was being like that. But now, I stop that crazy behavior, ha ha... for some rational reason.
Do you know about Habits?yeah, Habits. You can love someone because of habits, and you can stop loving them because of Habits too. Do you believe that? You have to.
I don't know will it work for "loving" someone who is very special to you like your husband or wife, what I mean here is "loving" or "fangirling over" idol. Yeah, we can make it narrow, fangirling over  Korean Singer. Why Korean Singer? how about Korean Actor?You will find there are many differences in fangirling over Korean Actors with Korean Singer. Which one is crazier?
I can say, It's Korean Singer. I think there is a special reason why Korean Singer drives you crazy more than Korean Actor. You will crazy for Korean Actor for one season only, the season when his drama airs on your TV station. Say it, you are crazy over Jang Geun Seok when his drama "He's Beautiful" airs on your TV. When the drama comes to an end, and then TV station will air "City Hunter" where Lee Min Ho acts as the main cast, you will easily fall for Lee Min Ho instead. Isn't that right?
But when you love Korean Singer or Boy band, you can feel the different. They just like poison to your brain, or we can say it, a drug, addiction drug. You can't stop easily. They produce CD and DVD every month, makes you crazy to buy all of them, because of it's photo book and originality. You can listen to their music everyday, every time, from your Ipod, computer, laptop, etc..you can't stand one day without their voices in your ears... while drama?you can't listen to drama, you have to watch :D
ah.. one thing you can't just let go, their Concert! they will go to your country, and you will think, it can be his first and last concert here, so I have to attend it! How much it cost! (naaaahhhhhh!!!)
is it clear for you?so, for you who still on the "right track", please be careful with your step to love Korean.. I really mean it.
Since January, in 2012, I told my self to stop fangirling over Korean, yeah, stop fangirling over that Kim Junsu. Why? really, for real, you lost everything when you decide to go on this fan girl thing.
  1. You lost your quality time with friends (because you love to stay alone in your room to watch their videos than chatting with friends or somebody else), 
  2. you lost much money!(It is difficult to you to stop yourself buying every album they made, I really mean it, not just me, but every friend I know, are they jobless or have many money, will try their best to buy the album. I can stand to not eating but not to not buying album!la la , I have to noted here, that the album is not cheap at all!)
  3. Money again....., you know concert? haha... stupid question,,, yeah, concert. When you heard that "Hey...He will have his first Asia Concert in our country!!!" "Haaahhh???reallyyyy???When is it???" "This June!" "God, how much is the ticket?I HAVE TO BUY THE VIP ROW!!!!!" *dang* (how can you just sit in the back row while your most lovable person will stand in front of you, singing???-this is a voice of the devil-)
  4. I think there are many other reasons. You choose to watch videos than study and all.. yeah, It will destroy our youth mind... 
that's why, I decide to stop. Yeah I stop. Nah... Now we talk about habits. This is my habits when I still fan girl -ing over Kim Junsu:
  • at least 25% of my salary I spent to buy album every month, sometimes more than that.
  • at least 40% of my time, everyday, I spent to watch videos, listen to his music and read every article about him. I know, every single change happens to him, his hair color, his hairstyle, his activity, his cloth, his car and everything! (think, does it matter?)
 It looks like, hey you only have two habits, why did you make yourself difficult? but that two "bad" habits destroy my mind and slowly push me to bankruptcy. I lost my identity as a Muslim Women! That's the point!
so, I build my new habits:
  • at least 25% of my salary I spent to buy books! (especially islamic book and motivation books)
  • at least 40% of my time I used to read books, worship and writing. (why writing?I don't know, just make an activity that is more useful than watching videos)
So, I can say that, I replace videos with books, watching and listening with reading.
Now, I am free from that fan girl thing :)
and I begin to be a book freak, not in a bad matter, but in a good matter, because I have a lot of knowledge, and I find myself as a better person more than ever. I don't know why, even if it just my point of view, or my feeling, at least I feel like "the addict" person who was free from her addiction.
My plan is, I will start to write about my experience in this blog, rather than about my craziness towards Korean guy :)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Book Review:The Alchemist

January 06, 2013 0 Comments

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Cerita yang menarik tentang seorang anak gembala yang berpetualang mencari harta karun :) ia dulunya hidup menggembalakan domba-domba hingga ke negeri-negeri yang jauh, melintasi padang-padang sambil mebawa-bawa buku kemanapun ia pergi karena sukanya ia membaca.. hingga suatu ketika, saat ia tidur ia bermimpi menggali harta karun di samping piramida-piramida. Ia begitu terobsesi pada mimpinya itu dan ingin mewujudkannya. maka ia menemui seorang peramal untuk menanyakan perihal mimpinya, dan si peramal mengatakan bahwa piramida2 itu ada di Mesir, tetapi si peramal tak tahu di mana letak Mesir berada. Ia pun lalu membuang mimpinya dan kembali menjadi gembala, hingga ia ditegur oleh seorang kakek tua yang mengaku seorang Raja Salem, ia memberitahu si anak tentang banyak hal mengenai menggapai tujuan dalam hidup, ketika kita memimpikan sesuatu, dan kita bersungguh2 mencapainya, maka seluruh alam akan membantu kita mewujudkannya, melalui pertanda2, kakek tua itu lalu memberinya dua butir batu berwarna putih dan hitam bernama urim dan tumim. batu itu akan membantu si anak menhgambil keputusa, putih berarti tidak, hitam berarti ya. Namun akhirnya si anak memutuskan tak memakai batu itu, ia akan mulai membuat keputusan2 sendiri :)ternyata Mesir cukup jauh, ia harus berlayar 2 jam melewati suatu danau/selat dan kemudian menyeberang gurun pasir.. si anak memutuskan untuk berlayar dan sampailah ia di Afrika, di mana Mesir berada, ia bertemu orang2 Arab Muslim dan kemudian belajar bahasa mereka, karena ditipu pada awal ia datang ke sebuah kedai, anak itu pun terpaksa harus mengumpulkan uang untuk bisa ke Piramida, dan ia bekerja pada sebuah warung kristal selama setahun,ternyata selama bekerja di warung kristal, ia lah yang memiliki ide2 brilian yg akhirnya membuat toko kristal itu berkembang.
sang pemilik toko kristal adalah seorang muslim, ia bertukar cerita dengan si anak yg begitu bersemangat dan memiliki ide2 cemerlang karena impiannya untuk bisa pergi ke piramida, kemudian si pemilik toko pun bercerita, ia juga punya impian pergi ke suatu tempat, yaitu Mekkah. Mekkah lah yg membuatnya bekerja keras menjual kristal, namun si pemilik toko memilih terus memelihara mimpinya dan tak akan pernah kesana, sebab ia takut setelah ke Mekkah, ia akan kehilangan tujuan hidupnya. Lalu dari sinilah kemudian kisah si anak dimulai sampai akhirnya ia menemukan "harta karun" nya yg sebenarnya ^^